This day is special

You will see that I have been hanging out with a certain little bird today. Chris worked his second night this weekend of 7p-7a at the hospital last night but woke up early from his daytime sleep and joined us to play.

This is the happiness I have been hanging out with today!

Making a mess in the play room/my old dining room.

She is telling me something about something here!

Cheeks I love to smooch!

Little dry skin on the chin…nothing a litte vaseline or aveeno cannot help!

This is what she looked like after lunch, lounging in my lap:

I have also hung my wreath from last night’s make and take at April’s beautiful home with some crazy crafty ladies!

This is what my end product looked like and you can find the instructions here for this great idea!

I also hung a beautifully edited photo of mine and Chris’ wedding kiss in the entryway. Millie Nelson was so kind to brilliantly photoshop the two officiants (both dearly loved but not so romantic) out of the photo and then had it printed for us. My mom had it matted and framed in one of our favorite shades of rust!

All in all a plain but special day. By the way, I am craving Zaxby’s chicken! But I had vegetarian chili instead. I am craving skittles, too! Why skittles? I guess it’s the yummy rainbow or the fact that they are truly bitesized happiness in a candy shell!

Hope your day is beautiful and special in it’s simple ways.

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